Christian prayer is prayer that is unlike the prayer of any other religion precisely because it is marked with the character of Jesus Christ. The Christian prays following the model of Jesus, in His name, and in the power of the Holy Spirit whom Christ has given as a gift. The Catechism calls the Holy Spirit "is the interior master of Christian prayer" (Catechism 2672). Christian prayer is the expression of our relationship with God and his holy ones. It is our interaction with and response to the mysteries of our faith, revealed by the God who created us and loves us. The mystery of faith "requires that the faithful believe in it (Creed), that they celebrate it (Sacraments), and that they live from it in a vital and personal relationship with the living and true God. This relationship is prayer" (Catechism 2558). This is a view of the Christian life in which prayer permeates the entirely of the expression of our life of faith.
Here we arrive at the connection between prayer and morality. The Christian is not called to live a moral life simply in order to do his duty or live without breaking God's rules for the sake of not breaking rules. Rather, the Christian seeks the Lord Jesus and responds to the guidance and inspiration of the Holy Spirit and therefore seeks to live a life of holiness in order to grow in this relationship. Our motivation and the source of our ability to live in holiness is one and the same, the Holy Spirit. He is both the master of our life of prayer and "the interior Master of life according to Christ, a gentle guest and friend who inspires, guides, corrects, and strengthens this life" (Catechism 1679).
It is normal for Christians to struggle in the moral life, especially in the area of chastity. Our answer should not be to despair, nor to consider the effort one that depends merely on our own effort. Rather, we ought to recommit ourselves to prayer. Progress in the moral life is directly related to our progress in prayer. Overcoming temptation is not merely an exercise in human effort. Divine help is on offer and is the difference that makes purity and chastity possible.
I offer a traditional prayer for your consideration. You may find it helpful to say it many times a day whenever you are faced with temptation or situations that may trigger acting our in sexual sin.
Prayer for Purity of Mind and Body
Lord, set aflame my heart and my entire being with the fire of the Holy Spirit, that I may serve you with chaste body and pure mind. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.