My House Kansas City

My House blog for the Kansas City, MO "My House" anti-pornography apostolate supported by the Office of Family Life in the Diocese of Kansas City - St. Joseph.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Report: Making Our Home Safe Workshop

Last night we offered a second presentation at St. Patrick's parish in Kansas City of the Making Our Home Safe workshop.  Again I was pleasantly surprised by the positive reception of the parents and grandparents who attended.  In the workshop we present the basic rational for why pornography is sinful and harmful.  We also speak about the many ways that parents can help their children to learn how to navigate their use of media through relationship building and the use of filtering and accountability software.
In July the premier software company, Covenant Eyes, created a video called Unfiltered.  We use a portion of this video as part of our presentation and I encourage parents to get a copy of this 35 minute DVD to watch for themselves and to share with the parents of their children's friends.  It takes no expertise to do this and it begins a conversation about what parents are doing and can do to help protect and raise their children in chastity.
The Office of Family Life has purchased these DVD workshop kits at 25% off the regular price and are offering them for just $15.  Please contact us to get one today and help spread the truth about this important issue. 816-714-2371.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Hollywood film to show porn use in a (true) negative light?

I share this post from Emily Stimpson who discovered a trailer for a movie coming out of Hollywood that seems to portray porn use as it really is in real life.  It's not "no big deal", "harmless", or "just another expression of modern sexuality."  Hopefully this film will not contain so much junk that people will miss the other message of how ugly porn is and how much it hurts people.  What is it really? Emily does a great job in this blog post to tell it like it is.

WARNING!  I didn't watch the trailer because I don't need the images.  My hope is that people who would never hear the message of hope that there is a better way to live that does not include porn will stumble across this truth when they see this movie.  The movie and the trailer might not be helpful for some of us who already know this truth.

You can read it here.

Friday, May 24, 2013

How does the brain's chemistry change with pornography viewing?

This is a great video about how brain chemistry works.

How can we get help with accountability? What if it is damaging my marriage?

Great video testimony that tells the story of a marriage restored...

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Making Our Home Safe (free workshop)

Free Workshop for Parents, Pastors and Educators

Making Our Home Safe  (download the flyer here)
April 18, 2013
At the Catholic Center—7:00pm‐8:30pm
A workshop for parents, pastors and educators highlighting practical ways we can make our homes safe by developing an atmosphere of transparency, trust and accountability in our use of the internet, media and computer devices.

The Catholic Center (free parking in covered lot)
20 W. 9th St. Kansas City, MO 64105
Contact Katie Klinckman to RSVP 816‐714‐2373
These presentations are for an adult audience.

Michael Ciaccio, M.S., P.L.P.C.,
Is a professional therapist and offers private counseling as part of the My House initiative.
He is featured on the website at

Dino Durando, M.A.,
Is the director of the Office of Family Life for the Diocese of Kansas City—St. Joseph.

My House is an apostolate of the Diocese of Kansas City—St. Joseph and is supported by the Office of Family Life.   My House confidential help: 816‐808‐6544

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Increasing numbers of women are using online porn

A recent study done by Internet Filter Review showed that 17% of U.S. women struggle with an online pornography addiction.

This article on the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops "For Your Marriage" website summarizes the contents of the report.

You can find the full report here.

The My House groups and individual help is not only for men.  Women who need help can find it by calling the helpline 816-808-6544.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Textual Harassment

I heard an interesting news piece today on the radio about a relatively new phenomenon called "textual harassment."  Obviously this is a play on the words sexual harassment and it describes the abuse of others using sexually explicit text messages and attached pictures.
The news story focused on the need for parents to have access to their teen children's text messages as a way to protect them.  While this might help it certainly highlights the need for parents to know what is going on with their children's technology use.  It also highlights yet another seemingly anonymous avenue for abusive sexual behavior to flourish.
One answer to this problem whether it be in the workplace or to a teenage child or even your spouse is to bring it out into the open.  This kind of behavior cannot remain in the light and persist unless the person who is doing it has become completely unashamed.
In the workplace this harassment would be no different than if it was said face-to-face.  Harassment doesn't end until someone says something about it.  No one deserves to be abused, even verbally or textually in this way.  If you are the victim of this unseemly behavior please don't just let it persist.  Do something about it. This only exists in our culture if we put up with it.  Someone has to say enough!  If you are a victim of this abuse or if you know someone who is receiving it may that someone be you.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

7 Desires of the Heart

It is hardwired within us to be touched, heard and understood, affirmed, included, chosen, blessed and safe.  Taking a deeper look at my marriage, whenever an argument or scuffle ensues, I can always take it back to one of these seven desires that I felt was unmet.  For example, let's say a husband forgets to ask how his wife's interview went that day.  She comes home and is quiet, waiting for the question while helping with the duties of the house and becoming increasingly irritable.  She is desiring to be heard by her husband and included in their relationship.  Now she has three ways to go about this: 1. Calmly mention the interview and express her feelings of being left out.  2. Lash out and become critical at the way he is washing the dishes.  3. Withdraw emotionally and allow for a 'silent night.'

Which of these desires are you aching for?  Which one seems to be missing?  Or which one touches your heart deeply and fills you up?

Mike Ciaccio, PLPC  

This book is written by Mark and Debra Laaser.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Men of Valor Conference wrap-up

What a powerful weekend we had at the 9th annual Men of Valor conference.  Both of the keynote speakers gave powerful testimonies about how God has worked in their lives to help them heal from addiction to pornography and experience the new life of freedom from porn's destructive effects.

Michael Ciaccio and I were able to talk to lots of men (and women too at the Friday night event) who learned more about what My House is doing and how they can get involved.

Next year's line up is unknown at this time, but they do have lots of post conference things going on at

You might visit them or even visit our page to get involved in the movement to help one another find freedom in Christ.

Don't forget to share the new helpline number with a friend who might need it 816-808-6544.