My House Kansas City

My House blog for the Kansas City, MO "My House" anti-pornography apostolate supported by the Office of Family Life in the Diocese of Kansas City - St. Joseph.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Textual Harassment

I heard an interesting news piece today on the radio about a relatively new phenomenon called "textual harassment."  Obviously this is a play on the words sexual harassment and it describes the abuse of others using sexually explicit text messages and attached pictures.
The news story focused on the need for parents to have access to their teen children's text messages as a way to protect them.  While this might help it certainly highlights the need for parents to know what is going on with their children's technology use.  It also highlights yet another seemingly anonymous avenue for abusive sexual behavior to flourish.
One answer to this problem whether it be in the workplace or to a teenage child or even your spouse is to bring it out into the open.  This kind of behavior cannot remain in the light and persist unless the person who is doing it has become completely unashamed.
In the workplace this harassment would be no different than if it was said face-to-face.  Harassment doesn't end until someone says something about it.  No one deserves to be abused, even verbally or textually in this way.  If you are the victim of this unseemly behavior please don't just let it persist.  Do something about it. This only exists in our culture if we put up with it.  Someone has to say enough!  If you are a victim of this abuse or if you know someone who is receiving it may that someone be you.

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