My House Kansas City

My House blog for the Kansas City, MO "My House" anti-pornography apostolate supported by the Office of Family Life in the Diocese of Kansas City - St. Joseph.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015


Playboy seems to have made a more conservative move...they are no longer using nudity in their magazines.  However Luke Gilkerson of Covenant Eyes points out that there is no innocence involved.  The magazine will now be more like Maxim and the values are entry level to pornography use.  The disturbing part of this article is the research done on children by Hef's hero Dr. Alfred Kinsey.

Make sure your children are protected online.  Watch for signs such as sexual acting out, masturbation or depression.  Have that talk with your teen about sex.  Remember, it's not that we don't like sex as Catholics, it's that we love it, celebrate it and desire it in the context of marriage.  Porn shows too little and cheapens it, as Gilkerson says below...

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